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WORLDS of adventure

After a career in video games, writing, and creative direction, Brandish Gilhelm left the office world to create Runehammer: an RPG publishing project with a myriad of universes and styles for players and GMs to explore. Since those early days, Runehammer has become a best-selling brand with a legion of die hard fans known only as 'The Shield Wall.'

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Runehammer's creations can be found in silly videos on YouTube, novels on Amazon, audio books on Audible, RPG PDFs and print-on-demand books on DriveThruRPG, a podcast on Spotify, original session music on Spotify, and premium quality books with RPG titan Modiphius. There are community forums, a discord channel, and a Patreon to explore. After 6 years as a top selling brand in tabletop,

the Rune-iverse just keeps growing.


Hankerin goes by many names: Brandish Gilhelm, Ingrid Burnall, Anaxamon the Locust Mage,

and many more. With a few thousand years of viking history to live up to, he's just getting started.


When he isn't pursuing a passion for tabletop game design, artwork and writing, he's busy drinking beer and chasing his dog Chutney

down the streets of Philly.

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